For the 1st time Ever!
Air Conditioning/ Refrigeration Heat Transfer Equipment
Reduce 20%-50% OEM cost! Reduce 20%-50% Energy Consumption !
Be it a small window a.c. or large chiller or refrigeration product
Pulse Heat Trasfer
No buts and ifs All in one sweep!
Reduce OEM cost...Reduce ENERGY consumption..... between 30% to 50%
yes, you are reading it right!
Unique and Exclusive Demand-Side Management/Reduction Solution
Works everywhere, from North Pole to South Pole, from coast to coast, all continents, all climates, zero constraints
Optimum heat transfer for air conditioning, refrigeration, heat pumps, air/water cooled
HVAC/R Industry......wake up!!
Stop the enormous, immense waste of human and natural resources and energy
"If you improve the air conditioning efficiency by 30%, you would save 2500 power plants by year 2050, which translates to about $2.5 trillion dollars"……………….Nihar Shah, Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory
exceeds 30% energy savings
1 quad = 1,000,000,000,000,000 BTUs
= 293,071,039 MW
=293,071 GW
Average Power Capacity of One Nuclear Reactor = 1 GW
Clean, reliable, eco-friendly, harmless technology.
You looked at the rest, now go with the best!
Huge Opportunity! Global OEMs double profits withing a year. Crucial independent small entity research for
Jan 2023
Thank you for visiting!
According to the United States Department of Energy, today's buildings consume
more energy than any other sector of the US economy, including transportation
and industry. Please click following link to Paypal.
Thank you very much!
Reduce Cost/Energy in HVAC/R Equipment by Half